A healthier bottom line thanks to the liz suite
What’s the one thing every insurer can agree on? They want more straight-through business, and overall, more policies purchased through them. That means they want people applying whenever and however they like, be it at 2 am on their mobile phone. They need the convenience of a 24-7-365 online application process, and it’s even better when policies can be issued automatically. No muss, no fuss. thinktum’s liz suite gets you exactly that.
Want more straight-through business?
Optimizing business processes can have a positive influence on an organization’s bottom line in a lot of different ways. With liz, more policies can be placed straight through – creating new revenue with additional business written in a way that is effortless for the insurer. liz also frees up Advisors and Underwriters to focus on tasks that may end up being far more valuable to the organization, including helping those applicants that require human attention, tweaking flows to maximize optimization, and assisting other teams within the organization. Instead of manually underwriting a policy, they can develop new products and even new business, bonifying that bottom line.
Care for a crystal ball for a look into the future? How about this? thinktum and the future of insurance.
It’s not just about costs (it’s also about revenue)
When we say our liz suite contributes to a healthier bottom line, this is what we mean:
- Faster and more fruitful end-user experiences means more policies written.
- The right policy for the right premium is less likely to lapse than a product bought because it was best of the worst offered or available.
- Loyal clients also recommend experiences they were delighted with – they love the tailor-made experience liz offers.
thinktum’s liz suite can be a catalyst for that new business. Easy to implement, effortless to maintain, update, and test; everyone will appreciate its striking simplicity and power.
Reach out for a demo today! We have a lot to discuss.